منتديات طلاب جامعة جيلالي ليابس سيدي بلعباس
اختبار لغة انجليزية Reg11
منتديات طلاب جامعة جيلالي ليابس سيدي بلعباس
اختبار لغة انجليزية Reg11
منتديات طلاب جامعة جيلالي ليابس سيدي بلعباس
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منتديات طلاب جامعة جيلالي ليابس سيدي بلعباس

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منتديات طلاب جامعة جيلالي ليابس سيدي بلعباساختبار لغة انجليزية

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 اختبار لغة انجليزية

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
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اختبار لغة انجليزية 115810
البلد: : اختبار لغة انجليزية Dz10
تَارِيخْ التَسْجِيلْ: : 28/01/2011
العُــمـــْـــــر: : 29
المُسَــاهَمَـــاتْ: : 1270
النـِقَـــــــــاطْ: : 7315

اختبار لغة انجليزية Vide

مُساهمةموضوع: اختبار لغة انجليزية   اختبار لغة انجليزية Emptyالسبت أبريل 16, 2011 9:31 pm

english test

text : king and queens

actual queen of england is elizabeth 2 as everybody knows . she has
reigned for several years over great britain , northern ireland and the
british commenwealth . she was born in 1926 . her husband was not born
in england but in greece . they have got two children : prince charles
and prince anne . queen elizabeth 's father was george VI . he died in
1952 . the beautifull place where the royal family always lives in
london is called buckingham palace
. ( from an english
book )

part one : reading comprehension
A-read the text and answer these questions
1-) is england a republic ?
2-) where was the queen's husband born ?
3-) how old is elizabeth ?

B-what do these words refer to in the text
they :
he :

C- lexis
1-) find in the text words that are closest to the meaning of the following :
present =................. named = .................
2-) find in the text words that are opposite to the meaning of the following :
wife = ..................... never =.....................

part two : mastery of language
A- complete these tag questions
1-) elizabeth 2 has reigned for years .......................?
2-) the royal family doesn't live in the white house ...................?

B- classify these verbs to regular verbs and irregular verbs :
to know - to reign - to live - to tell - to cook - to go

part three : written expression
write the biography of famous person that you know or you have already studied about

reading comprehension


1-) no , it is not
2-) the queen's husband was born in greece
3-) elizabeth II is 80 years old

they : refer to queen elizabeth and her husband
he : refer to her father

1-) present = actual named = called
2-) wife # husband never # always

mastery of language

1-) elizabeth II reigned for years , hasn't she ?
2-) the royal family doesn't live in the white house , does it ?

regular : to reign - to live - to cook
irregular : to know - to tell - to go


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

اختبار لغة انجليزية

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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